What's in Your Playlist?
Playlist Xchange
DJs, Influencers, Ordinary Joes, Get on board with this New Startup!
By investing in Playlist Exchange, you will be supporting a one-of-a-kind platform. An internet space that celebrates the art of curation and empowers both music creators and listeners alike. For a relatively small investment of $200/share, we’re offering a percentage of ownership. This offer includes a voting membership in the company if the investment is $10k or more, for those who wish to become voting members. With your help, we will build a thriving community of music enthusiasts, artists, and influencers.
Playlist Xchange
Playlist Exchange focuses on playlists rather than an individual band or artist. There are two significant users of our site: Hosts (those that upload and market their Playlists), and Clients (those that download and enjoy the playlists).
If you agree with what we are going to accomplish here, feel free to purchase a share of our stock. And let’s get this Website built.
We will hold all new investment funds in escrow until we have obtained the additional $70,000 in
working capital that we need to move forward. We have completed the architecture and design of the new site. We’ll start building our new website as soon as our current objective is accomplished. We implore you to invest early. The table is laden with ideas. We’d like to hear about yours and perhaps even put them into practice.
Those Hosts that invest early in one or more shares of stock are exempt from paying any transaction fees
or point of sale fees on any of their hosted playlists sold. To be clear, Hosts that have invested in the company do not pay any fees before their investment is fully recovered. This exemption will remain in place until their total earnings are greater than their total amount of investment. We are offering this investment opportunity to anyone in the USA.
With the purchase of one or more shares of stock in Playlist Xchange Incorporated you will receive:
- A receipt for the purchase of one or more shares of stock in Playlist Xchange
- The rights to a percentage of ownership in Playlist Xchange
- The rights to a share of the yearly profits in the business
- The rights to conduct business as a Host on the platform without incurring any fees until you have recovered your total amount invested
- A Stock Certificate depicting the number of shares you own and the Par Value of the stock